HVAC Testing & Balancing

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HVAC Testing & Balancing

HVAC Testing & Balancing

We have an established team of specialist technicians who are dedicated to hands on commissioning of mechanical services.

Functional performance test allows us to better understand the “brains” behind why equipment performs and reacts as it does. To make sure a piece of equipment works as intended and can provide the expected performance is the main reason to functionally test HVAC systems.

If functional testing isn’t performed, issues such as fans sensor is not working may have never been noticed.

SATS DUBAI offers the reassurance to the building owner that the systems are working correctly and as intended.

what our client says

Ms. Sara

Ms. Sara

Business Woman

SATS DUBAI was on time,

 My HVAC professional, SATS Team is very personable, very professional and very thorough in their service!!

Mr. Saif


The Service was great SATS DUBAI was knowledgeable and courteous and did not take a lot of time. Great job and they maintained a safe environment in the home.".

Mr. Mark

Mr. Mark

General Manager

We were delighted with the support of your team and the quality of your product, of which you should be rightly proud.An excellent robust products, well made and installed. I would be happy to recommend SATS DUBAI TECHNICAL SERVICES

Mr. Rony

Mr. Rony


We have found SATS DUBAI TECHNICAL SERVICES staff to be very hard working, friendly and always carry out work to a very high specification. Very pleased with the services , its done perfect